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cage-free hens

Go Cruel-Free!

Eggs have been a breakfast staple, but do you know what an egg-laying hen has to go through every day to produce an egg?

Cage-Free, Go Cruel-Free!

is a campaign calling for the improvement of the egg-laying hens' living conditions. This is part of the response to the rising global awareness of consumers to the practices that take place in the farm before their food reaches the market. In a cage-free environment, the egg-laying hens are free to stretch their wings, run around, and exhibit their natural behaviors which are all vital to them.

Caged and Cage-Free Hen Comparison

On the left, the caged hens are confined to small, wire cages. These cages are stacked in rows, and the hens appear cramped and restricted in their movements. Their feathers may look ruffled, and they often have limited space to spread their wings or exhibit natural behaviors. The environment seems sterile and industrial, with harsh lighting and a lack of natural elements.


On the right side of the photo, the cage-free hens are depicted in a more open and spacious environment. They are either indoors with ample room to roam or in an outdoor setting with access to fresh air and sunlight. These hens have the freedom to engage in natural behaviors like pecking at the ground, dust-bathing, and socializing with other hens. The environment appears more natural and enriched, with perches, and nesting areas.

They give us the most affordable source of protein. Let's give back to them and show them love by supporting the improvement of their living conditions.

In photo: Above, a battery cage egg farm setup. Here, 4-7 hens have to share an A4-sized cage as an industry standard. This is where majority of the eggs in the country are produced. Below, a cage free egg farm where hens get to stretch their wings, run around, and exhibit their natural behaviors.


What is CAGE-FREE?

Cage-free systems for egg-laying hens are a type of house or environment that allows them more opportunities to express their natural behaviors. Variations of cage-free may include a barn system, aviary system, and free range to which all the space allowance provide opportunities for improved welfare of the hens. This is the proposed alternative to battery cages where most of the consumed eggs in the world are produced. 90% of the egg-laying hens in the Philippines live in battery cages lacking the freedom to stretch their wings, run around, and express their natural behaviors. 

Image by Wolfgang Mennel

Cage-Free and the Sustainable Development Goals


Cage-free advocacy is intricately linked with several Sustainable Development Goals, demonstrating its importance in promoting a more sustainable, ethical, and equitable food system. By aligning with these goals, cage-free initiatives not only support better animal welfare but also contribute to broader environmental and societal benefits. As the world moves towards achieving the SDGs, integrating cage-free practices can be a significant step forward in this global effort.

How Can I Help?

There are many ways to take part in this campaign. Start by purchasing cage-free eggs instead of regular eggs from battery cages, dining at restaurants that use cage-free eggs, and encouraging your friends and family to shift into cage-free eggs. You may also send us a message to know how you could be a part of the campaign, we’d be happy to talk to you!

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Download this free brochure to educate others about cage-free egg production.

Download the Cage-Free and Free-Range standards from the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (BAFS) to learn more about proper cage-free and free-range farming.

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