Rescuing Animals

The cruel dog meat trade is one of the most serious animal welfare concerns in the Philippines. The availability and consumption of dog meat are widespread in various parts of the country where the welfare concern lies in the large number of unfortunate dogs that are taken from the streets and being inhumanely slaughtered. Now, it continues to be a problem as some dog meat traders remain at large.

AKF is a partner of the the Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of Animal Industry – Animal Welfare Division (BAI – AWD), and National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) in the implementation of the laws against animal cruelty, especially against the dog meat trade.
We rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome the dogs as soon as they're ready and have completely recovered while, at the same time, pursue the prosecution of the dog meat traders. AKF conducts its own surveillance, stake-outs, and raids in full coordination with the PNP in order to end this inhumane practice.
The dogs are subjected to torture, maltreatment, and other inhumane conditions through the hands of dog meat traders.

In photo: a group of dog meat traders and slaughterers arrested in Padre Garcia, Batangas

We save the unfortunate dogs from the hands of dog meat traders and immediately relieve the animals from their situation.

We tend to the health and medical needs of our rescues to ease their recovery and to prepare them for rehoming.

Upon their full recovery, we look for a new home and family for our rescues to give them belly rubs and love them everyday.
From rescuing them to finding them a loving family and home, we are with our rescues.
Watch the video to know more about the dog meat trade in the Philippines and how we strive to eliminate this inhumane practice.
Our campaign partners
At Animal Kingdom Foundation, we believe that collaboration is key to achieving our mission. We are proud to partner with various organizations and individuals who share our passion for animal welfare. Our partners include animal shelters, rescue organizations, veterinarians, and other NGOs. Together, we work towards a world where every animal is treated with respect and care. We are grateful for the support of our partners, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration in the future.